iSpring WCB32C 3-Stage Water Filtration RO Compatible Replacement Filters
The iSpring WCB32C 3-Stage Whole House Water Filtration System features large sumps fitted for 2.5" x 20" filter cartridges. Developed for residential applications, the filters installed in the system should remove chlorine from water as well as sediment, rust, pesticides, herbicides, industrial solvents, and various other contaminants. Find the compatible replacements below along with recommended change-out schedule.
Replacement Filter Info
Sediment Filter (93047) - Replace every 1-6 months or as needed
Carbon Block Filter(OMB200-5M) – Replace every 1-6 months or as needed
Carbon Block Filter(OMB200-5M) – Replace every 1-6 months or as needed
Helpful Filter Information
Not all filters have the same replacement schedule. Replace the RO membrane filter every two years. Replace all other filters every 6-12 months. Help keep your system sanitary by never using filters longer than 12 months, except the RO membrane filter, regardless of how much water you use.
Filter Replacement Schedule
We’ve taken the guesswork out of replacing your filters. Begin a filter replacement cycle by replacing all filters on your system (Filter Kit "YSM"). The following year, or sooner if recommended by the manufacturer, replace all filters except the RO membrane (Filter Kit "YS"). Repeat this cycle by following the helpful diagram below.