LUMINOR K2 6.0 LK6-A22 Commercial UV Water System are specifically designed and built to handle the challenging environments of process and manufacturing industries as well as pool and leisure applications. K2 6.0 Includes a discrete 254 nm Teflon Based UV sensor to continuously monitor the V output produced by the system. Displayed on the LCD screen in either "% UV Intensity" or "mW/cm²", K2 6.0 provides the information that these demanding commercial/industrial systems require. Constructed with highly polished 316L stainless steel reactors and stainless steel enclosures, K2 6.0 uses proven low pressure amalgam (LP-AM) lamp technology for maximum power density and efficiency all in a small footprint. Controlling microbiological (bacteria & virus) issues in water ( or other viscous fluids), including E.coli, Cryptosporidium and Giardia Lamblia is safe and simple with LUMINOR UV systems. UV does not affect the aesthetic quality of the fluid and the process does not add anything to the fluid, nor create any disinfection by-products. Covering a wide variety of applications in both regulated and unregulated markets, K2 offers environmentally friendly disinfection at lower capital and operating costs than traditional disinfection solutions.