UV Water Filters for Well Water

Protect your household with UV filtered water

How to Protect Well Water from Bacteria and Viruses

Because private wells are not regulated by municipalities, the presence of bacteria, viruses or other microbiological contaminants in the water can often go undetected.

Studies show that at any given time, at least 40 percent of private wells are contaminated with E coli, coliform bacteria or other illness-causing microbes.

If you're one of the 19 million U.S. households on a private well, it's up to you to ensure your well water is safe for your family.

Watch this video to learn how well water can become unsafe for drinking and what can be done to make well water safe again.

Expert Tip

Clear water does not always mean safe water! Microbiological contaminants in well water, such as E.coli, Cryptosporidium and Giardia are NOT visible to the naked eye. In fact, some well owners don't give much thought to what's in their water until an unexplained illness occurs. Bacteria and viruses in well water can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps and more.

How Does Well Water Get Contaminated with Bacteria?

  1. Significant rainfall and flooding can introduce bacteria to a private well.

  2. Water levels in a well rise and fall over time, introducing new opportunities for bacterial growth.  

  3. Seasonality plays a significant role, with a general increase in well water contamination in the Spring due to thawing snow runoff.

  4. Contamination from septic systems is the biggest risk to well water.

  5. Manure from large-scale animal feeding operations is a threat to drinking water.

  6. Run-off from fertilizers and pesticides is a common concern of well owners.

  7. Poorly constructed, cracked or unsealed wells create a way for bacteria to enter groundwater and contaminate your well.

What Biological Contaminants Can be Found in Water?

Biological contaminants (commonly called microbes) found in water include:

Is uv filtration needed if on city water or on well water

Best Well Water Treatment Systems

The best way to treat well water, is with an ultraviolet (UV) water disinfection system. UV filtration is becoming increasingly popular as a whole-house water treatment system for private well owners as UV water sterilizers can effectively remove 99.99% of viruses, bacteria and other microbes from water.

UV water filters are safe, powerful, economical, and require very little maintenance. Best of all, a whole-house UV disinfection system works night and day, 24/7, consistently keeping your water safe--without you having to constantly test your well water!

Because well water often has a high level of dissolved solids and organic matter, we recommend installing a sediment filter in front of the UV system. Another option is to select a UV system that includes an integrated prefilter, which prepares the water for the ultraviolet disinfection process. If a prefilter is NOT used and the turbidity level is high, the UV rays will be blocked by particles in the water making the UV treatment process less effective. (Turbidity is the quantity of suspended solids in water which often causes cloudiness.)

While all UV Water Purification Systems will work for well water applications, most well owners have the best success when they install a prefilter or combination sediment and carbon prefilters to prepare the well water for UV treatment in an all in one system.

Top-Selling UV Water Sterilizers for Well Water

Sold out
VIQUA Arros 15-IHS22 UV Water Treatment System
  • The Viqua Arros 15-IHS22 inclues two integrated prefilters to improve the taste and odor of your water.
  • LED Status system indicator.
  • All-in-one UV solution boasting added layers of water filtration and treatment.
  • Streamlined installation and simple maintenance
  • Safeguards ALL the water coming into your home.

Sold out
  • Compact, yet powerful design treats water with UV light, plus includes an
  • Integrated pre-filter that can remove sediment, dirt and rust for improved taste.
  • Includes a lamp replacement timer.
  • Proven UV system with premium-quality parts at a value price.
  • Treats up to 9 gpm, perfect for a home with 1-3 bathrooms.

Well Shocking vs Constant UV Light Monitoring

Some private well owners use chemicals to "shock" their well when bacteria is discovered. But shocking a well is only a "quick fix". Bacteria levels in well water can fluctuate due to external factors such as spring run off or flooding from a heavy rainstorm. As an alternative, a UV light sterilizer can be installed so that water is contstantly treated and monitered for bacteria in the well.

Well Shock vs. UV Disinfection

Well Shocking w/ Chlorine UV Disinfection
Temporary quick fix



Long-term, effective solution that destroys 99.99% bacteria, viruses, and cysts


Essentially trouble-free; annual maintenance of UV lamp change & sleeve clean


Works 24/7 to consistently keep water safe from illness-causing microbes


Environmentally friendly - no disinfection by products and no wasted water


Indicator alarm sounds if water is not being treated


No harsh chemicals that can damage skin


No damage to well casings & pump fittings from chemicals


No dangerous gas (oxidation of organics can generate THMs, a harmful gas)


Taste and odor of water not affected


UV Light Disinfection Gives Peace of Mind 24/7

A long-term, safe, and reliable solution is to install a UV water sterilizer at point of entry.

UV water disinfection system provides a "final barrier solution" as it filters and protects the whole home from the threat of illness-causing microbes in water.

  • A UV water sterilizer system treats well water by running the water over a UV light that kills bacteria and viruses.
  • Well water treatment with a UV disinfection system provides peace of mind that your well water is being disinfected continuously, 24/7.  
  • The process of exposing water to ultraviolet light is simple but effective, and destroys 99.99 percent of harmful microorganisms, including some that are chlorine resistant (such as Cryptosporidium and some forms of Giardia).
  • No chemicals are added with UV disinfection, so there is no change to the taste or odor of your water. And, with UV, you don’t have to handle noxious chemicals, monitor the chemicals, or worry that someone in your home will become sick.

How to Filter Coliform Bacteria in Well Water

Coliform bacteria are organisms that are present in the environment and in the feces of all warm-blooded animals and humans. Their presence in drinking water indicates that disease-causing organisms (pathogens) could be in the water system.

Below are seven ways bacteria enters well water, including poorly constructed wells or cracking/unsealed wells. Once the source of contamination has been determined, steps should be taken to resolve the issue including making the needed repairs. Due to the health risk associated with coliform bacteria in water, you should boil all water for cooking or drinking until the problem is resolved.

If your well water has tested positive for coliform bacteria, we recommend installing a UV water filter system immediately.

A UV water treatment system can remove 99.99% of coliform bacteria. Ultraviolet (UV) water purification is a proven technology that uses UV light to destroy harmful microbes in water. Does UV water treatment really work? Millions of homes and businesses around the world have installed a UV water filter to have a reliable treatment method and peace of mind 24/7.

Ultraviolet Technical Tips

How to Change a UV Lamp

Instructions on how to replace a UV water sterilizer lamp yourself, including step-by-step instructions and video.
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How to Clean a UV Sleeve

Cleaning the UV sleeve in an ultraviolet water sterilizer system is crucial to maintain optimal performance. Learn how to properly clean a UV sleeve.
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How to Maintain a UV System

Tips for proper maintenance of a UV water disinfection system. Find solutions, UV system troubleshooting tips and more.
Read More>

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