VIQUA FRSS-20 Flow Restrictor 20 GPM 1" x 1" FNPT

Part Number: FRSS-20
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VIQUA FRSS-20 Flow Restrictor 20 GPM 1" x 1" FNPT

( 0 reviews )
Part Number: FRSS-20


The VIQUA FRSS-20 water flow restrictor is for use with VIQUA Point-of-Entry UV water sterilizer systems. The flow restrictor is important because it slows the incoming water flow rate, allowing the UV lamp to effectively treat all water that passes through the chamber.
Feature & Specs
Application: VIQUA Point-of-Entry systems
Flow Rate: 20 Gallons Per Minute
1" x 1" FPT
Material: 316L stainless steel